My Designs at Bed Bath & Beyond®

What a wonderful surprise… to discover product I have designed… at retail!

burlap decor collection at Bed Bath & Beyond

burlap decor collection at Bed Bath & Beyond


It doesn’t happen all that often, as I don’t always know exactly where my product designs are sold or when they will appear on the shelves.  But recently I made a quick stop at Bed Bath & Beyond® to pick up some household items.  As I made my way to the register, I saw an end cap in the wall decor section featuring four of my favorite designs from a burlap decor collection I created while working at DEMDACO®.  The products looked exactly like the prototypes I had approved – exceptionally constructed and perfectly printed.  I was so pleased.  I hope they “fly” off the shelves, especially since three of them do have wings!


fancy bird burlap decor at Bed Bath & Beyond

fancy bird burlap decor at Bed Bath & Beyond